Sunday, February 9, 2014

Crazy busy week!

After a busy Sunday, I am starting to think about school for the week.

Here is our crazy schedule:
Monday- full day of school- the only one this week! On top of school, we have to make our Valentine Day boxes and make out our valentines.
Tuesday- School in the morning, Homeschool Valentine's Day Party in the afternoon!!
Wednesday- Homeschool learning Center at 10 am, library at 11 am, lunch, school in the afternoon
Thursday- School in the morning, Megan has dance at 1:30 pm
Friday- Deliver Valentine's Day cookies to our friends and family around Omaha! Probably no school.

We will do certain subjects everyday, this includes Bible, math, spelling, and English (Megan) and Phonics (Courtney).  We will fit our other stuff in when we can.

We are still trying to finish "Week 12" of our Sonlight curriculum that we started a week ago Friday.
We spent three days last week making books about panda bears. If you are ever here, ask the girls to show them to you! Pandas are fascinating creatures!! But because we took three days to make books, we still have two and a half lessons of science left from last week. (Pandas were only half of the first lesson, we need to finish the other half tomorrow!)

As we continue through the forests of China, we are going to touch on red pandas tomorrow and talk about how they are different/ same from the panda bears.  Are they more like the panda bears or even like raccoons??

We are also going to learn about the blue-faced monkey.
I found a cute video done by ABC News.

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