Then we discovered Friends Legos. These are the girl version of Legos and they come in all kinds of sets. Soon, they were putting their orders in for Christmas and they did end up getting quite a few sets from us, from grandparents, and other people. Between getting some and buying some themselves, they really acquired a lot of Legos in December!
Megan did not receive the High School during the holidays, so last Monday, she decided she was going to buy it with her own money. So she did. I put the order into Amazon on Monday and she knew they were supposed to come on Wednesday, but unfortunately Wednesday was a snow day. Matt got an email saying that the shipment was going to be late. She was a little disappointed!
Today Megan could not wait to get her Legos! I cannot tell you how many times I heard, "When you do think the UPS man will come??' By the time we left for dance class at 1, the UPS man had not come yet. I told Megan that hopefully they will be delivered when we got home.
We got home and still no Legos. About 6 pm, we saw the UPS man come down the street and she came bolting down the steps! The UPS man came to our door with a box that her Legos clearly could not fit into! We looked at the address and it was for a house across the street. Matt and Courtney got all dressed up and went to deliver it and once they were at our neighbor's house, Matt found our package on our neighbor's stoop! The UPS man had switched the packages!
Matt brought our package back here and with her grin a mile wide, Megan pulled the box open and pulled out her new box of Legos!!

Can you guess what tonight's project will be?? Putting together the 487 piece high school!! I also have figured out that Megan has agreed to share this with Courtney. :)
PS For the last three mornings, my two girls have been up by 6:45 am to play with Legos. These are the children that struggle to get out of bed any other time, especially Megan! Their theory is if they get up early, they get more time to play Legos during the day! I told them that I am perfectly ok for them to get up early, but don't bother me! I am still going to get up at my regular time!
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