Wednesday, May 22, 2013

One of those days...

Did you ever have one of those days when you thought it would never end??

When you had a 2 year old up an hour before he usually gets up and is cranky and whiny for most of the day???

You know how hard it is to teach school while the boy won't stop bothering you, needs juice, can't go play by himself, climbs on the chairs, spills his juice all over the floor, and proceeds to pee in his pants all within 10 minutes??

I was waiting for Matt to hear all the chaos and come up and rescue me. He did and I was very thankful! My stress level went down as he proceeded to clean up his potty mess in the bathroom and gave him a bath.  I cleaned up the juice all over the floor! During this time, Megan was waiting patiently at the table waiting to finish her English lesson.

How about at the library this afternoon? I think the whole library heard him crying because I had to put him in time out while we were checking books out. Courtney was on a stool and Christian wanted on the stool too and wasn't taking no for an answer.  Megan was also in time out at the same time. Christian wasn't listening to her and she pushed him over.  It was sooo much easier checking books out with two kids in time out!

Tonight as I was cleaning up the kitchen, he kept bringing the stool right where I was and was standing up on it while holding himself because he needs to go potty.  I took the stool and shoved it away, he shoved it right back. I then took the stool and put it in the laundry room! Then Matt came in and asked what was going on.  He gave Christian his stool back but it had to stay in the bathroom. He agreed and finally went potty.

I am so done with today! I think Christian should go to bed NOW and give me some peace!

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