Thursday, May 16, 2013

Found it!

Don't laugh, but I finally found my bedroom floor! It's been missing for about a month!

Between summer clothes, containers for summer clothes, baskets of clean clothes, those clean clothes spread over the floor from children looking for clothes, art projects, children's toys, art supplies, etc, etc. etc, the floor has just been covered in "stuff" for awhile now and I just haven't had time to deal with it. There has been a path around our bed. Yes, it was that bad.

I decided that since we have to go to the dentist today and do some other errands, we were going to take the day off from school and go clothes shopping while we are out and grandma is in town. :)

This was the motivation I needed to clean this up.  My main purpose was to go through the summer clothes we had, see what fits, and make a list of who needed what. But before I could do that, I had to clean the mess up.  Matt says I am "pressure orientated" when it comes to doing things and he is 100% correct!

Now all the clothes that we don't need are packed back into their respective boxes, laundry is put away, art supplies are packed back away, but I have THREE laundry baskets of "stuff" that does not go in my bedroom.  This may range from hangers I don't need, to art projects, to school books that we are done with, to toys from Christian's room and from the playroom, etc, etc. This stuff now needs to be put away, BUT before I can put anything back in the bedrooms, those need to be cleaned up too!

Can yo see a theme going on here? Can you see what happens to the house when you homeschool your children all day?? Luckily summer is coming and we will have time to deal with this all again!

Actually Matt came into the bedroom last night and said,"Wow, there is carpet under there!" It is wierd to see the floor, I have to admit!

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