Friday, May 24, 2013

Field trip!

We were on a field trip to Fontenelle Forest and I had to laugh at certain places of our field trip.

1.  All the kids were asked to "line up" to go into a classroom. You know what happened??

1. Some kids lined up like they were supposed to.
2. Some kids did not line up and it was sort of an amoeba shape at some parts of the line.
3. Kids clung to mom because they did not want to line up. (Courtney!)

Ok, so "lining up" is not something we practice everyday!

2.  Once we were all in the classroom, the teacher started her presentation and was getting little response from the kids. She seemed kind of puzzled.

Our response, "It's too early for us. We're homeschoolers." It was 10, so it wasn't really that early, but everybody was looking tired and in some families, there is probably some truth to that statement.

3.  Somebody else made the joke about starting late and I heard, "Homeschoolers are notoriously late."  I don't know if that is a good trait or not, but there is probably some truth to that one too!

4.  We were leaving with our friends and I said, "I don't think the girls learned quite that much today," meaning that there wasn't a lot of substance to the program and we walked through the forest, but didn't go out of our way to learn anything.  My friends' reply, "Oh, but they did learn something. They improved those 'socialization' skills that everybody is always so worried about!!!"

Do see why I laughed??

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