Thursday, May 30, 2013

Let the crazy weekend begin!!

This will be the craziest weekend I have had in a long time.  I signed up to go to the homeschool convention here in town thinking, "It won't interfere too bad with Megan's recital," but it may be more hassle than it is worth.

Here is today.

AM here at home- finish school, get everybody through showers

11:30 lunch

1:00 pm Megan has to be at Elkhorn South High School in her dress for a four-hour dress rehearsal.

1:30 visit eye doctor because something is bothering me with my right eye

4:45-5:00 Go pick Megan up from the high school and then drive downtown to catch the evening sessions of the homeschool conference that is in town.

(My conference technically starts at 5 but because babysitters didn't work out, I am going to take the children with me to the evening portion tonight. Kids are welcome and I know some other moms who are bringing their kids, so they are just going to have to be good. Matt has a meeting tonight, otherwise he could watch them.)

5:30 Park, register, haul 3 kids into the conference, attend two workshops if I can.  I think I am going to pack sack lunches to take tonight, even though they told us not to bring food in.

9:00 Head home.


9:30 Conference Starts, so I will be back downtown by 9 am if possible
Matt works from home, so he is going to try to work upstairs if he can and keep an eye on the kids.

5:30 Megan has to be at the high school for her recital. All dressed and ready to go, so I will need to get home by 4:30 or so to help her do that.

7:00 Megan's recital!!!!



9:30 Conference Starts.

I knew Megan was going to have a performance today, but I assumed it was going to be in the evening. I was wrong, it is at 1 pm!! So guess what? Head back out west about noon because nobody else can do her hair and I think the poor thing would be in tears if I wasn't there to watch her.

This performance gets over around it worth it to drive back downtown to finish out the conference until 6???  That is still up for deliberation.


Sunday- Stay home, breathe, and determine how much I spent on gas and parking for the conference. :)

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