Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Update on Animal Friends from Bug Camp

1. Grasshopper- still alive in his little plastic pop bottle. Courtney and I feed him grass everyday and he seems to be doing well.  We have noticed that this little insect poops a lot, so we may need to let him go "back to nature" pretty soon.

2. Two Goldfish- died.  We went to the petstore to get some new ones, but learned that we need to let the water in our tank circulate for about a week before we add fish.  Ok, we can do that.

3.  Worm- Well, he died too.  He was doing well in his styrofoam cup and then Megan gave him some water.  A little bit too much and I think she drowned him.  Matt saw the mishap about half an hour after she did it, but I think it was too late.  A couple hours later, we put him outside on the grass and he moved, so we thought he was still alive.  Today, he is definitely dead, he didn't move at all and now there are ants all over him. Yummy! I am surprised our birds didn't come find him.

What is our next pet adventure?

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