Monday, August 27, 2012

Out of Gas!

Tonight Courtney, Christian, and I went for a walk to hunt for bugs.  We had just put Courtney's new dead bugs in her shadow box from last week and she wanted more.

So Courtney got a couple of plastic cups, Christian grabbed his lawn mower to push, and we took off around the block. On the way we found a cricket and a rolly-polly, not much, but something.

When we were almost home, Christian stops and says, "more gas."  I asked him to say it again, he looked at his lawn mower and said, "more gas" as he pointed to his gas cap.  He is trying to tell me that his PLASTIC lawn mower has ran out of gas! So Courtney, the compassionate one, picks up some grass and stuffs it into the little gas cap (I guess this is how you fill it up with gas?). "There Christian, now you have more gas, come on now," and he moved right along!

1 comment:

  1. This is a wonderful story!!!! Made me wake up giggling this morning...thanks!
