The girls were like long lost friends all weekend, I really didn't see them much. They had great lego, Barbie, and polly pockets adventures in the playroom and today, Megan has been working on this story. She wrote three pages about a week ago and I think she is on page 7. And this is on regular notebook paper! This girl loves to write stories! We've had our fair of fighting too, Courtney got a sad face today on her "attitude" because she pinched Megan once and then hit her (or something like that). We really try to make them work it out themselves.
Christian has been a great baby too! After almost a year, I have figured out (for the time being) that if I stay home in the mornings, he will take a 2 hour nap from 11-1. He will nurse when he gets up and then about 2, he will have lunch. He is well rested all day and then goes to bed about 8:30. If only I could stay home all day with him! Not going to happen. :)
As for Matt and I, we got much accomplished! With the girls getting along great and finally figuring out how to block Christian in rooms, such as the kitchen, we could let him go and we got our own things done. It worked out quite well!
Saturday we were on a quest to start babyproofing this house.
We have caught Christian "climbing" up our TV stand. He will actually stand on the bottom shelf and touch the TV. This needed to come to an end, can't you see him climbing all the way up??
Matt had come up with a plan to keep Christian away from all of this fun stuff, so we made a trip to Menard's and a few hours later, Matt had it built his own plexi-glass cage around the TV stand! Next up is the fire place and steps. I'm getting tired of chasing him!
Sunday we went to church in the morning and spent the afternoon at home. Again, the girls were off and Christian was as happy as could be. While he was eating lunch, I decided to get busy. I cleaned out my laundry room and main floor bathroom. I wiped everything down and mopped the floors. I don't really know what got into me. But while I was at it, I decided that the refrigerator needed a good cleaning too, so I scrubbed that down too! Wow, everything is so shiny clean now! I also got all the laundry caught up and did three loads of dishes in the dishwasher.
Today, we got up and spent most of the morning outside. We are going on vacation this week and I keep telling myself that I need to clean out the van. Papers, toys, snacks, and trash have all invaded my van. With Christian sitting in his wagon and content playing, I got two bags and began to clean it out. One bag was "keep" and the other bag was "throw away." I was amazed at what I found in there. Colors, sunday school papers, black headband, polly pocket cup, bobby pins, snack bags, cups, markers, pens, safety pins, mothers day cards from church, napkins, etc. etc. I was even more ambitious and decided to vaccuum it out too! I have a brand new van! I was going to get a bucket of hot soapy water and wipe the insides down, but I didn't get that far.
After lunch, Matt finally gave in and put my new curtains up in the kitchen, except we both think they are too short. We really need to decide on these! I want them up by Christian's party.
Around 3, the girls and I decided to go swimming. I was itching to get out and I had told them we would go, so we left the boys here and went to the gym. We're paying for it, right? The girls had a blast and Megan is a little fish! I can't wait for them to start swimming lessons next week.
I gave piano lesson this evening, got bedrooms clean, gave the girls baths, and sent them to bed. Megan still has 1 1/2 days of school left before her 9 week summer break (seriously Millard, can we get a longer summer??)
I'm anxious for her to be home this summer. It will be a challenge to manage three kids, but Courtney has a constant play companion, which is wonderful. I enjoy playing with her, but those two get along and play so well together. Christian is in his own little world, when they aren't in the same room. Otherwise, it is monkey-see, monkey do.
Let the summer begin!
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