Tuesday, May 10, 2011

10 on Tuesday

1. It is Megan's 7 1/2 year old birthday today and she got to be the helper at school. Probably the last time for the year.

2. Christian's new thing is that he LOVES snuggling things, such as blankets and stuffed animals. It is sooo cute, I'm sure Courtney taught him this.

3. Because Christian loves snuggling things and Courtney loves to make others smile, she gives him her beloved purple blanket. She was mad this morning when I said, "No Courtney, you keep it. It's yours." She was almost in tears, so I took it and gave it to Christian. He put his head down on it right away and snuggled with it. I am sure Courtney was happy!

4. Mother's Day was nice. No breakfast in bed for me, but that's ok, I would rather not eat in bed anyway. We were going to go out for supper on Monday night, but we didn't. I think I'm still owed a meal. :)

5. Christian is 11 months old today and is on the verge of walking. I am going to jump up and down on his birthday. He has been our hardest baby! Once he hit 6 1/2 months, he was much better, but it was a huge struggle until then!

6. Speaking of the baby, I'm sure he will be walking by his birthday. He crawls all over, pulls up on everything, and I have caught him even standing by himself. He has figured out how to get cupboards open and up the steps. He eats about everything you give him too. He loves the outdoors and bangs on the doors to go out. He is such a boy!!!

7. The bugs have come out and Courtney is already scared of them. Enough said!

8. I wish gas prices would go down. I really want to take a vacation this summer. Matt and I would love to take the camper up to the black hills for a week, but when you get 8 miles to the gallon, it would cost quite a bit to get there! We are going to Kansas City for a weekend in June, so that might be our only vacation, besides a few camping trips here and there.

9. One of my goals today was to take all the flannel sheets and comfortors off of everybody's beds. The girls' beds are done (thanks to Courtney wetting her bed last night), so just mine and Matt's to go. I should take the heated mattress pad off too, we probably won't need that anymore!

10. I can't believe Megan only has 15 days of school left, Where has 1st grade gone?? Here comes the summer!

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