Wednesday, May 25, 2011


That is how I am describing the last two days around the Ruwe home! Crazy!!

This is what it looked like on Monday

7:25 everybody up!
8:20 Megan is on the school bus. (she had a field trip today too)

10 am- Had to get groceries, no milk left in the house. :( So instead of taking the kids out to the park to enjoy the beautiful weather, I took them to wal-mart for an hour and a half to get groceries. Not the best time, but needed to be done.

12:15- Out to lunch with my parents (Only after stopping at home to drop groceries off). My dad had two appointments in town that day, so why not meet up for lunch? I don't see both my parents very often.

2:00 Met with a dietitican. My gastroparesis has been acting up again and since I can't see my GI doctor until August 16th (CRAZY!!), this was the best they could do for me now!

4:00 Megan home
5:30 piano lessons
7:30 Bike ride to Aldrich and back.
8:30 Home, time to clean rooms, and go to bed

Tuesday was just as crazy!
7:25 everybody up
breakfast and all 3 through the bath by 8:15

8:20 Megan is on school bus
8:30 everybody else in the car, I had to drop off swimming lesson registration as early as possible at the gym, so I had to run to Prarie Life quickly

9:00 back home

9:30 playgroup at my house (had to clean the night before too)

11:30 playgroup over

12 Met with my parents again for lunch- more dr. appointments

1:30 shopping at Carter's- waiting for rain to stop so I can get home

2:45 back home

4:00 megan is home
4:20 Back in car (3rd time) and off to Aldrich for school presentations
5:30 done at Aldrich and now off to Florence Elementary

6:00 Dance Rehearsal
7:30 Leave dance rehearsal early because we still have school and homework to do

8:00 Home and making supper

8:45 start cleaning rooms and off to bed.

I was exhausted! Today, my dad is in town yet again, so we might meet up with him again for lunch- maybe surprise Megan at school. Besides that, we have NOTHING planned!!! Ok, except to catch up on laundry and dishes!

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