Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Candy time is over..

I potty trained Christian over Christmas break and we were doing good. A little bit of candy and some Thomas the Train and Lightning McQueen underwear seemed to do the trick!

A couple of weeks later, we were having troubles again. With the girls, we had some trouble too, but I had time to deal with. Now, I don't have time to deal with poopy underwear in the middle of science class, talk about frustrating!

So back to candy it went.  My main point was for him to tell me he had to go potty and then go in the toilet. Just admit that you have to go!

So after 2-3 weeks, we are back on track, so I think we can stop handing out candy.

Every time he goes potty, I still get, "Can I have tandy(his word for candy) please?"

Sorry Christian, no more "tandy" for you! You are a big boy!

I am still putting him in pullups when we go to someone's house or to the church nursery, I am with him all the time and know his signals, but I don't know if he would tell somebody else or if I am in a different room at a playdate, I am not positive that he would come find me. (We had a bad episode at a friend's house one day, so now I am paranoid.)

We are in underwear 24 hours a day now!

PS Courtney put Christian to bed again last night. She changed his clothes, took him potty, brushed his teeth, read him books, sang to him, got him some water, and tucked him into bed. She said she wants to do it every night!!

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