Sunday, February 12, 2012

Another visit to Urgent Care

Last Saturday, I had to miss a night out with my friends because we thought Courtney had a urinary tract infection. I took her to Urgent Care and she was fine, she had another problem, but not an infection.

Last night, round 2. Poor, poor Christian. He had been up the last couple of nights coughing really bad, but I turned on his vaporizer and he went back to sleep. About noon yesterday, he started to get really hot. Throughout the afternoon, he just kept getting worse. He was getting lethargic and by about 5:30, he was really warm and was shaking. He was trying to eat and the poor thing just couldn't get his food in his mouth!

Matt and I then determined that we should take him to see a dr. We were trying to take his temp too, but got four different numbers (two different thermometers tried in each ear.) The thermometers said anywhere from 100.5 to 104.8.

I took him in about 5:45 and waited almost an hour. He was sooo sad looking, he just laid on my lap with his eyes glossed over. We got back and the nurse took his temp, it was 103.6! He was also breathing very quickly, so they checked his oxygen saturation, that was at 95%. The nurse even said he looked terrible! She brought in some motrin, a cool washcloth and a cotton blanket to wrap him up in. He was coughing pretty hard and his throat was really raspy.

The doctor came in and listened to him and right away he said, "Yep, he's wheezing." Upper respiratory infection (bronchiolitis). She had the nurse come in and give him an albuteral treatment (a new way now, no more nebulizer!) and within 10 minutes, the doctor came back in and he had stopped wheezing. In the meantime though, he had fallen asleep on my chest. It was pretty sweet.

By the time we left, his temperature was down to 100.9 and he was perking up a little bit. We got home and he was walking around and doing much better.

3:15 this morning, I hear him screaming from his room. His temp was 103.5 again. I gave him some motrin and another albuteral treatment and about 2 hours later, he was back asleep.

His temp was 100.7 this morning, so I drugged him up yet again. We're not heading to church because of him, but I think we are going to do our own devotions here at home.

Hopefully he gets better soon!

I was joking with the nurses when I left Urgent Care that hopefully I won't see them next week, Megan is the only one left!

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