Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Sleep does a body good!

We are on a roll here. After waking him up at 5 pm last night to feed him before piano lessons, Christian was in a great mood until bedtime. ( I would be too if I slept for 2 1/2 hours!)

He was wide awake yet at 9, but about 9:15, you could tell he was ready for bed. I fed him and he crashed. I put him back in his bed instead of his bouncy seat. He has napped in his bed fine, so why not?

I didn't hear him until 2:50 this morning. I went in, put him pacifier in, and he went back to sleep. Wonderful!

5:00 same thing. This is usually when he wants to bed fed, but again, he went right back to sleep and I went back to bed.

I thought for sure I would see him at 6, but nope. Not until 6:50!!! I could hardly belive it. I bet I could've gotten him back to sleep again as tired as he looked, but I got him up and fed him. We have to get out of here early this morning, so I wanted him taken care of before I had to get the girls ready.

We're off to the Children's Museum today with all our friends- it should be a fun time!

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