I was putting away some bibs in a storage container and in the middle of the stack of bibs was the baby brother shirt!!
I used to have these bibs stacked in Christian's closet, so I bet I threw his t-shirt on top of the bibs and then didn't realize it was there when I packed them away.
Do you know how many times I have been in this container getting things and haven't noticed his t-shirt?
The sad thing is, it won't fit him anymore. :(
I still want to do big sister, middle sister, and baby brother pictures. I was waiting until Christian could sit up, so hopefully I can do them for Christmas pictures this year. I will probably just have to make Christian a new one.
Matt also found some of Christian's socks stuck in the washer yesterday.
Maybe I don't really have a black hole in my house eating all my clothes. :)
I'm so glad you found it!