Friday, March 11, 2016

Sleep is going very well!

I really could get used to this. Micah has currently been sleeping almost 10 hours at night. Last night, I nursed him about 8 pm and he fell asleep on my lap. I put him in bed and didn't hear from him until 6:30 this morning. The nights previous were very similar.

Yesterday, he took a three hour nap (ok, I cheated and put him back in his swing) and I ended up waking him up after three hours! He also took a couple one hour naps in the afternoon while we were out and about.

We haven't had any screaming or huge fits for a couple of days now.

Why the change?? I finally thought I would try to take ALL the foods on his sensitivity list out of my diet during the day.  My doctor said to just eat one per meal, but I found that we were still having trouble.  I decided to see if taking it all out made a difference and I think it has.

I have been trying to find snacks and meals that would work. My doctor told me that food takes six hours to get into my breastmilk and if he is screaming pretty bad, I can usually trace it back to something that I ate earlier.  I have always noticed that he gets really upset in the evenings and that probably means I ate something at lunch.

Yesterday I did eat something off his list for supper (chicken). But I figured that since he is sleeping 10 hours, he probably won't get it in the morning.

I guess I needed to change up my diet anyway!  I am ok to get back on eggs and peanuts, so we might try some of those soon. As much as my children don't like it, I may be adding more fish to our rotations too. Chicken and turkey are both on his list and I don't want to take out all that protein.
I made onion rings last night, which is something I haven't done in a long time. I wonder what I can find to try today! (Now that he is happier and more content, maybe I can take some time and make something new again!)

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