Wednesday, March 9, 2016

4 Month Checkup!

I was very anxious to take Micah to his 4 month checkup yesterday. I wasn't looking forward to the shots, but I wanted to know how much this kid weighed!

On the way there, I bet Megan that he was going to be at least 15 lbs, if not 16.

I was right, he was 15 lbs. 15 oz!!!

He was also 26 inches long.

This boy has sure grown!!

Our doctor also thinks one of the main reasons he is not sleeping so well is because of his eczema. He has it on his head (cradle crap), his face, abdomen, and legs. It is just kind of everywhere. :(  She says that we need to switch soaps and if that doesn't help, we need to put some steroid cream on him.  I know most of this is caused by his food allergies, so maybe I need to be more strict on that.

I also asked about Megan. She has eczema patches all over her body, but when she takes a shower, she actually breaks out in these big red spots with white dots in the middle. Yesterday morning, it was really bad, so I took some pictures and showed our doctor. She said they looked like hives! After looking online when I got home, I think they are too! I am sure this is just an allergic reaction too, but what do I do about those?? Again, my doctor said to switch soaps and it should help. I also had Megan food tested and we have been following that protocol, and it is still not going away. I don't quite know anymore!

Our doctor suggested either Dove for sensitive skin or cetaphil for these two children of mine.  We were at the store last night, so I decided to head over to that isle and look for these two soaps. I found the dove for sensitive skin and read the ingredients. Do you know what the third ingredient is?? SOY!! I can't use this on Micah, he is allergic to soy! I couldn't find cetaphil in the adult soaps, so I headed over to the baby soap section. I found the Cetaphil, but guess what is in Cetaphil?? WHEAT!!! AHHHHH!!!! I ended up buying the Dove for Megan because she is NOT allergic to soy and some Dove for babies that didn't have wheat or soy.

I can't believe that our doctor recommends these two soaps when they are full of allergens! Allergens that are probably causing the eczema/ hives in the first place!!

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