Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Poor Micah!

We made it all winter without anybody getting sick and now we have had two kids sick this week, including my baby! It all started with Courtney, who sounded like she had bronchitis last week. I am so used to Christian having bronchitis, so when Courtney started coughing, I could hardly believe that it was really her. Courtney rarely gets sick! I am guessing that she passed it onto Micah and now he sounds TERRIBLE!

I called the nurse hotline the other night and they really didn't tell me anything that I didn't know. They pretty much said to give him warm fluids (um, he drinks breastmilk) and to get to his needs faster than usual because his throat probably hurts. They also mentioned tilting his crib up and giving him a vaporizer.

 I took him into our chiropractor yesterday and had him listen to his lungs.  If it was RSV, pneumonia, bronchitis, etc. I wanted to get it treated right away. These young babies are so fragile! He said his lungs were all clear and his ears looked fine too. He said he did not sound like he had pneumonia, only a cold. He also thought he had a virus because his abdomen was covered in red spots! (On a side note, I figured the red spots were his eczema that he has all over the rest of his body!)

The doctor adjusted him and we were free to go! He told me to give him a call if it got any worse, but he didn't think it would.

Because of this cold, Micah had a real hard time settling down for the night last night. I started feeding him around 8 pm and had him asleep 4-5 times before he settled down for the night. This was about 1:30 am. He eventually ended up in his swing in our bedroom. Around midnight, I fed him again and he was still fussing.  I knew Megan was still awake, so I moved his swing into my room and shut my door.  Megan has had trouble sleeping lately and I really needed her to get some sleep! Eventually I got him to sleep around 1:30. I put him in his swing and turned the swing on. Everytime I turned the swing off, he fussed a little. I finally just left it on and went to sleep myelf! I think he swang until about 3:30 am when I woke up.

Today, I went to the store and got some saline spray and some infant ibuprofen. We used both of them tonight! I fed him around 9 and he was out! I put him in the swing beside my bed again. I want to make sure he is breathing!!

Hopefully his little body will kick this cold soon, and it won't get any worse!!

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