Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Back to sleep at night!

Why is sleep so trouble-some for babies??

The last couple of days, Micah has not slept but two hours during the day.  He has been on a schedule of eating and then being up for awhile after he eats since has been a week old. Lately, he wants to fall asleep after he eats, but he knows he is supposed to be awake. He is all confused and his poor body doesn't know what to do!

Before this started, he was going to sleep about 7 at night, waking up once to eat and I wouldn't see him until 7 in the morning.  It's just been hard because I never knew if I should wake him up about 9 or 10 pm or let him wake up on his own. When I did let him wake up on his own, I usually saw him between 2 and 4 in the morning.

I really want to change this whole crazy sleeping schedule.

My goal for him is:

1. Get back to taking a nap about an 1 1/2 after every feeding. I don't want to nurse him to sleep. If I do this, his whole schedule is off for the entire day.

2. Encourage him to stay awake until about 9, so he will sleep through the night.

He has slept through the night again for the last two nights, I am happy, but now we need to keep it that way!!

(Maybe things have been off since he was going through a growth spurt. All his sleepers are suddenly too short and even his diapers are not fitting the best anymore!)

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