Thursday, January 7, 2016

Back to school, I mean it this time! :)

Since I didn't quite manage to get back to school before the holidays, I knew we HAD to get back after Christmas. By that time, we would have had eight weeks off and that was good. Even though I still have a fussy and needy baby, I figured there was surely some time during the day to get a math lesson in!

Monday was my goal and the kids knew it! I think Megan and Christian were a little anxious to get back to school, but Courtney was perfectly fine not having school at all.  We got up Monday and managed to get Megan's and Courtney's math done and I even got through a lesson on phonics with Christian! He has pretty much been teaching himself how to read these last eight weeks, so I decided to start him on kindergarten phonics (Does that make him a kindergartener now??) We spent the afternoon on Monday grocery shopping. Micah got an A+ because he slept the entire time! (We had one very bad shopping experience with him before Christmas!)

Tuesday was an interesting day.  We had to sue our contractor who did work on our house last fall and Tuesday was the day that we went to court. We were all anxious to see whether he would show up or not! Matt and I agreed to take all the kids to court, so they could see what it was all about and maybe learn something! We all got dressed up and were out of the house by 9:30 because court started at 10:30. Just as we predicted, our contractor did not show up and we won the case! Now he owes us $800 and we have a judgement to prove it!

After we got back home and had lunch, we got started on school.  Unfortunately, we had to quit about 2:30 because some little children had to clean the house to get it ready for piano lessons. I only got through Megan's lesson and half of Courtney's. This was also due to a baby screaming in the background!

Wednesday worked about the same.  I slept in because some little boy was up from about 4-6 am, so I went back to sleep at 6 am and slept until about 9.  By the time we got up and had breakfast, it was about 10.  But instead of doing school, Matt and I were on a mission to get to an appointment to get our passports at 12:30. (He won a trip to Las Cabos, Mexico in February). The passport office sent us a list of documents we needed, so I was busy trying to round those up in the morning.

Matt came home at 11 am and we headed over to Walmart to get our passport pictures taken. With those in hand, we headed over to the passport office. Once we checked in there, they looked at our pictures and told us they were no good! Apparently you can't smile or have teeth showing in your passport pictures! We were not happy! We went to Walmart because they were half the price of the passport office!! We had to redo them right there because Matt didn't want to wait any longer to order our passports. He also didn't want to take any more work off.

After our passports were ordered, we headed back to Walmart to return our bad pictures! They didn't want to give us our money back, but they eventually did.

By this time, it was 1:15 and Matt needed to be back to work by 1:45.  He took us back home and we got lunch. By 2:30, I was sitting down with Courtney to finish her math lesson from the day before! After her, I went over Christina's phonics lesson and about 3:30, I got to Megan, who did not want to stop playing Legos to go to school! She said it was too late in the day (according to her), but I said we need to go to school! I think these children have had too much freedom the last eight weeks and I had a little bit of issues yesterday with them following directions with school!

So here is Thursday and again, we will aim for a math lesson. I know eventually Micah will be able to entertain himself with toys, but until then, we will just do what we can! We will also get back to more subjects, but it may take some time to find a new normal around here!

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