Monday, January 11, 2016

Really rough night!

Right when I think things are going pretty well, things go completely sour. :(  and I am exhausted! Good thing this little two month old is so cute....

We had a big day yesterday and I started it out with a very bad sore throat, pain up into my ears, dizzy, and very weak. I decided that I was not feeling well enough to go to church, so I was going to stay home with Micah. It was also -2 degrees out, so we didn't think it would be a good idea to take the baby out in the cold.  Once all the other kids were ready, they went out and got in the van. Matt joined them and when he turned the van over to start it, it just clicked. The battery was dead.  Ugh! (We sort of knew this was coming too. I am just glad it didn't start when the van was in the garage!)

Everybody came back into the house and took their coats and shoes off.  Matt then headed out to get a new battery because we had to be somewhere by 1 pm.

Soon Matt got the new battery installed, and I was feeling better.  By noon, we were ready to head to Lincoln to my grandma's house to celebrate Christmas. It was not our year to go to her house on Christmas day, so we met up with my brother and his wife and went yesterday.  Things went very well and it was nice seeing everybody again!

About 3:45, we left Lincoln and headed back home. We got home in time to play a little Minecraft (Matt and the kids) and I warmed up some leftover chili. We ate and were back out the door by 5:45 for small group.

Up unto this point, Micah had been sleeping and eating and doing what he usually does on a daily basis. He woke up when we got to our host's house and I fed him. He was awake awhile and during this time, one of my friends was holding him. After about an hour, he was starting to get tired, so I told my friend that he likes to suck on his pacifier, be swaddled, and bounced in order to get to sleep. She was trying to give him his pacifier and insisted on rocking him, but he wasn't going to sleep. She eventually swaddled him, but it wasn't working either.  (VENT TIME: Maybe I should have just taken him at this point and did it myself, why don't people listen to me?? Seriously, a pet peeve of mine. I say what he likes, but yet people do what they want anyway!)

After awhile of doing this and not getting to sleep, he wasn't having it anymore and wanted to be fed. We were past naptime.

I sat down and fed him again. It had been two hours, which is my minimum, but he didn't take a nap, which he ALWAYS does between feedings. He ate half-heartedly and acted like he couldn't get any milk.  He was just pulling on and off and getting frustrated. He got some milk and I eventually just pulled him off for good. I was tired of the frustration and he was somewhat content. We continued to hang out at our friend's house for another hour and he was awake the whole time.

Around 9:30 we left and headed home. He slept a little bit on the way home, but really, no nap again. By 10:15, he was awake, in his pajamas, and ready for bed. I sat down to nurse him again and again, he got some milk, but was on and off the entire time. I don't think he got enough to fill him up. When we were done, I had him asleep and I went to lay him down and he woke up! UGH! I had a long day and I just really wanted some sleep myself (plus I was still fighting my cold).

I let him cry a little bit and nursed him again. For the second time, I got him to sleep and then laid him down. For the second time, he woke up. I am not happy with this kid at the moment! Just sleep!

Again, I nursed him, got him to sleep, and laid him down and for a third time, and AGAIN he woke up! Every time he woke up, he would just cry and cry and there was no calming him down until I nursed him. Was he really still hungry? Why won't he stay asleep?? It is about midnight by this time and I started to cry out of frustration and tiredness. My throat  still hurt and I knew I needed some sleep.

I woke Matt up and he took care of him for awhile. I didn't think I needed to nurse a fourth time because this cycle could go on all night and I didn't have any milk left!

Matt's way of taking care of Micah was to put him in his bedroom and lay him in his crib. We both laid down for some sleep while he cried. I know this is not the best thing to do, but there was nothing that was working. I had NO milk left for him, the swing wasn't working, and he was not consolable.

We let him cry a little bit and after a few minutes of sleep, I went in there and rocked him a little bit. He calmed down for about 10 minutes and then started crying at me again. I put him back in his bed for some more "crying time" and went and laid down some more. Now it is about 1 am.

About 1:15, Matt went in there and rocked him. He was in there for a long time and eventually got him to sleep. Hallelujah! He brought him into our room very quietly and put him in his swing. He turned the swing on right away, and Micah stayed asleep! This was about 1:45 and Micah ended up sleeping for about 30-45 minutes!

About 2:30, he was awake and crying again. I could hardly believe it. At this point, Matt picked up his blankets and pillows and went downstairs to sleep. He usually doesn't help me during the night, but he did last night. I don't blame him for going downstairs. I was thankful for the little bit of help he gave me!

About 3 am, I finally gave in and nursed him again. I had a little milk, but not much. He nursed and went right to sleep. I put him in his swing and turned in on. Amazingly, he stayed asleep! Now, is this going to last?? I stayed up until about 3:30 and he was still asleep.

I turned my light off and went to bed myself. Exhausted!!

So why did getting him to sleep take forever last night??

1.  Was he hungry? Could have been. I didn't have a lot of milk, but I had what I have every other night.  He just usually doesn't want to eat nonstop like he wanted to last night.
2. Was he overtired? He skipped two naps he usually would have gotten in, but didn't.
3. Did his stomach hurt and he wanted to keep eating to make it feel better? Maybe.We are still waiting on his allergy test results.
4. Was there something I ate that was upsetting his stomach? I didn't eat anything out of the normal yesterday.

Whatever it was, let's fix it and get some sleep!!!

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