Thursday, January 14, 2016

Micah's Two Month Appointment

We had a couple appointments for Micah yesterday.

First we had his two month appointment with his pediatrician.  He was not happy most of the time, mostly because I left the house and he was off schedule. Yes, the schedule we had worked so hard to get back on!

All of us were really anxious to see Micah's new statistics.

His weighed was 13 lbs. 5 oz and he was 24 inches long. He has gained three pounds since birth and grew 2 1/2 inches. His head was 16 inches, so that grew 1 1/2 inches. Very good Micah!!!

The doctor checked him out and listened to his heart and all was well. She looked at the spots on his head and said it was just some baby acne and to not wash his hair with baby shampoo anymore, but to just use water or some very gentle shampoo. I just nodded and smiled because I really knew this was eczema and was probably caused by his food intolerances!

I also discussed with her my upcoming trip to Mexico and how I need to go about pumping milk for Micah before I leave and while I am gone. She thought I should bring all my milk back. I am still debating about that one! I asked her what I should do incase I can't get enough milk pumped beforehand and she said I would have to supplement, that is what I figured. I told her that most formula is milk based and that he has never had milk. She then recommended a soy formula and I should have said that he was soy intolerant, but I didn't know for sure at that time, so I agreed with her. She ended up giving me two cans of soy formula, so I would have some and not have to go buy some.

We also discussed shots and how I wanted to slow down the shot schedule because I have had many reactions with my kids. We agreed on the two most important ones and he got them. He was already screaming at me because he was hungry, so he just kept screaming through the shots. The girls had gone to the waiting room because they didn't' want to see him get his shots.

His second appointment was with our chiropractor who does all our food testing. I had his blood drawn a couple of weeks ago and we got the results back.  Our doctor was really puzzled because one of the main things that came up with gluten. Micah had three of the five markers for gluten!! She knows I am gluten free! My doctor was puzzled. She just kept saying, "He has to be getting gluten from somewhere." The only thing I could think of was that I have been eating quite a bit of the regular oatmeal instead of the gluten free oatmeal lately. She said that he must be super sensitive if he is getting it from oatmeal! She told me to reread every label of everything that I am eating to try to figure this out.

Soybeans also came up, so I cannot use those two cans of formula that my pediatrician just gave me! (After reading the label, I don't think I would want to give it to him anyway. The very first ingredient is corn maltodextrin!!! Otherwise fake corn sugar!!! I don't even eat corn maltodextrin!!) I asked my doctor what I should do about milk and she told me to pump like crazy before I leave so I don't have to give him any formula. I about have to now!! Having an allergy to soy also means I need to switch the butter that I have been using the last few years. Not a big deal, but I need to find a store that carries it now.

A few other things came up. Almonds was one and I said we drink almond milk, eat a nut mixture, eat almond butter, and eat almonds. No wonder it came up! She told me to lay back on the almonds and to maybe switch the almond milk out with rice milk once in awhile.

Both yeasts also came up. Yeast is fed by sugar and starches, which I watch on a daily basis. She said most of the time at this age, yeast shows there is an imbalance between the good and bad bacteria in the gut. She told me not to switch what I am eating, but rather give him a probiotic to balance things out. Easy enough!

These were the main things that she noticed. Some other foods came up, such as bananas, apples, turkey, ham, etc. She wasn't too concerned about these, she just said to make sure we are rotating foods every day, which I also do! Lamb was his highest number and I don't' even eat lamb. We kind of had a good laugh about that one!

She told me that I was a pro at this and she wasn't worried about me. I told her that maybe someday, we will be off a special diet, but not today!

While I was there, I also decided to get myself, Courtney and Christian tested. I am really curious where my gluten is now and where Courtney's peanut allergy is. She still gets sick if she eats peanuts.

I am glad I got some answers for Micah. I feel bad having to see two doctors, but that is what works for us!

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