Monday, September 7, 2015

Fire Truck sleeper

I am really anxious to get this window project done, so we can get the rest of the things moved around before the baby comes.  I want everything in order by the middle of October. I have technically 9 weeks now until my due date and 11 until he will be officially kicked out because he will be two weeks overdue.

I have received a few very cute baby outfits already and I really don't have a place to put them yet.

Last night, my mom gave me a super cute firetruck sleeper. I didn't quite get the significance of the fire trucks until I showed it to Christian. His eyes lit up and said, "Now my baby brother has fire truck pajamas like I do!!" Christian has a pair of red fire truck pajamas that he just LOVES! (Only they are getting to be too small on him!)

I am so glad Christian is excited about having matching pajamas with his baby brother. I may just need to get him a new pair for next spring (this sleeper is 6 months), so they can BOTH have a matching pair and have them fit at the same time!

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