Wednesday, September 23, 2015

34 week Checkup

We are getting closer every day to meeting this new little guy!

Today I saw my midwife for my 34 week appointment. Things are still going well! Baby is still head down and his body is on my right side.  I can tell that his little feet are on the left because that is where he is kicking me all the time!! She found his heartbeat right away, I think she said it was about 140. I measured 33, which means I am right on schedule.

I gained another three pounds, so now I have gained 25. I am not really worried about my weight! I will drop it all pretty easily! I didn't ask what my blood pressure was, but it was probably low as usual.

My midwife wanted to check my platelets again, so she took some more blood. She is just watching to make sure they stay stable.

We talked about all my lovely false contractions I have been having lately, like all evening on Friday.  I told her I just sat down and drank water and eventually they went away. She says she is so glad I can triage myself! I probably would have called though if they got worse.  I told her they were really bad with Christian, so I am not too worried about pre-term labor.  It's my fourth! She says its usually the first time moms that get uptight about false contractions and get really worried. I am not worried at all!! I will probably know when it's the real thing (hopefully!)

She then went through the stages of delivery with me. It kind of made me cringe because I know how bad it will hurt. :(  She said the most important thing during delivery is to listen to her and try not to do my own thing.  I told her I will listen to her because she knows what she is doing.  Even though I have done this three times already, she has delivered a lot more babies than I have! We are going to deliver squatting/ hands and knees this time, so we talked a little bit about that too.  She also reminded me to get my birth plan done! I think she has reminded me three times now!

We also talked about some of my problems I have had in the past, and how we are going to deal with them this time.. She said, "I am so glad you are not arguing with me about all of this!" I told her that I trust her and that she knows what is best! She delivered Courtney, which was a very scary delivery, so I totally trust her!

I see her again in two weeks and then I start going every week! Yikes! Maybe I should start getting things ready around here! Oh wait, I am waiting on the painter to paint Christian's room! Then we can move Christian to his new room and get the baby's room ready. :)

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