Friday, November 2, 2012

Trouble at the Library...

Yesterday after our crazy busy day, I decided to add one more stop at the library.  Megan and Courtney had some books on hold and they were just DYING to pick them up. It was about 5:15 and the library closed at 6.

We went in, got our books off the shelves, and of course stacked up on many, many more books that we will use for school this week.  I didn't take the stroller in because I thought that would help restrain myself, but then I realized that little girls can help carry books too, so that didn't really help.

Anyway, I went to check out and I had somebody different check me out this time.  I filled one card up and I gave the lady another card, she said, "This one is filled up too." I just looked at her because I thought, surely she will just keep adding them to the card.  I had about 10 books on the counter that needed to be checked out yet.  Remember, you are only SUPPOSED to check 40 items out per card.  But usually, this guy named Bob, let's me go over.  I looked at her and said, "Well, they usually let me check out more than 40 and it hasn't been a problem."

Her response," Well, we're really not supposed to do that."

I replied back, "But he (pointing to the man) let's me go over. I homeschool and I really need these books for the week."  I was so used to that one guy letting me go over, I was actually arguing the rule!

She said, "Do you have anybody else who has a card?"

I said, "Yes, I have one, but I haven't used it in a very long time." (Now, do you really think I need another library card where I can check out 40 MORE books?? NO!)

So she asked for me ID, I gave it to her, and she found my account. She then gave me a new library card. I asked her when was the last time I used that card and she replied with "2005."  I quit using it because I had a fine on it.  I checked out the last 10 books and left.

I checked this morning and of course, the $3.00 fine is still on my library card!

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