Monday, November 14, 2011

What would you do at 3 am?

I just had to laugh. This was one of the questions for a game at the baby shower I attended yesterday.

What would you do at 3 am while you are up with the baby?

Seriously now, are you really going to watch TV, catch up on reading, check facebook, listen to music???

First of all, you might need both hands to do some of these things and if you are breastfeeding at 3 am, that may not be possible.

Second, are you really going to stimulate yourself so much that you are going to wake up and not be able to go back to sleep? Why would you do this, especially if you have to get up and go to work in the morning?

Third, when I was up at 3 am, I wasn't up long enough to really do any of these things. Catch up on reading? watch tv?

Ok, here's my answer. When you get up, turn a night light on, keep the room quiet, do not stimulate yourself or the baby with any bright lights!! Do not stimulate your brain at all. Really, who wants to think at 3 am?? I don't! Feed the baby, change the baby, put the baby back to bed. Put yourself back to bed. Nothing else! (Somebody said they should pray during that time- that is an excellent thing to do while feeding the baby at 3 am too!)

Now, if the baby thinks he/ she wants to be a night owl and be up for hours, sure, go ahead and watch TV/ read a book/ etc. I totally understand. If you're going to be up, might as well do something. But really, try your best to get everybody back to bed!!

That is my answer about what to do at 3 am!
(Can't you tell I never did any of those things??)

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