Friday, November 11, 2011

The Big Birthday!

Yesterday was the big birthday that Megan had counted down to for months. She was patient through Christian and Courtney's birthday. She always wanted to know why her birthday was last, we say, "We saved the best for last."

A couple days earlier, she had told me that she didn't want to go to school on her birthday. With homeschooling, we could do that, but I didn't really have any other time this week to sit down with her for school. I had told her that I needed to do school on her birthday, so we could take Friday afternoon off to get ready for her friends' party. I have 4 day lesson plans, so taking a day off each week seems to work out really well.

I usually take Tuesday and Thursdays mornings to just stay home and catch up on things like housework. So yesterday, we did that. I made Megan waffles for breakfast, we all got dressed, and we cleaned up a little bit. I didn't want to clean the entire house on Friday afternoon, so my idea was to get some done on Thursday morning. We did and I was happy with the progress.

We went out to CiCi's for lunch, per Megan's request, and then we headed over to Kohl's for a little shopping. I had 30% off coupon and Megan wanted a couple more fleece shirts. Before we headed in though, Matt had mentioned that we should see a movie that afternoon and soon I stared reminded him that we had to do school and that I didn't have any other good time to do school before Sunday night. His response, "But it's Megan's birthday, let her have some fun!" Ugh, go ahead and ruin my plans, but he had a point.

We got our shopping done and I gave in. It was her birthday and Matt had decided to take the afternoon off to spend it with her, he just didn't tell me until then! We decided to see "Puss in Boots" at Village Pointe. So much for school. :(

The movie got over about 4:30 and we headed home. About 5, we had some friends stop over and by 5:45, we needed to leave to go to Megan's party at Godfather's. (I thought I could get math or reading in during this house, but that didn't happen either!)

Megan's party at Godfather's was a great success! She's old enough where she doesn't need a big party at our house anymore, but I still wanted to do something for her. I had her uncles and aunts asking me about her party and I knew people had bought her gifts already. We rented out the party room at Godfathers, just invited immediate family, bought everybody pizza and pop, and had a little get-together. I thought it turned out well, except for when Megan was spitting as she blew out her candles! We will have to work with her for next year. :)

Megan and I also came up with the idea that she should donate her presents to the Open Door Mission. I am so glad that the family supported her little service project and bought things for them. She got a couple of presents from grandmas and she will get presents tonight with her friends' party.

I think she had a great birthday and I better get busy and start planning her party for tonight! Yikes!!

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