Saturday, November 5, 2011

I survived.

Matt was gone another 3 days this week and I survived again.

I had to rearrange a few things this week because we were behind in school from the previous week, but we are all caught up now. I am really amazed at how much Megan is picking up! For instance, I think I gave her my cold. I asked her this morning, "Do you remember from health what we are supposed to eat when we get sick?" She responded,"an apple!" (I was really looking for vitamin C, but an apple contains vitamin C, so she was correct!)

We are also having great fun reading a story about a Chinese missinoary Gladys Alyward. She is a lady who flunked out of missionary school in England, but was still determined to be a missionary in China. After travelling 6 weeks to find an English missionary in China, her dream comes true, but only after many trials that only God could have gotten her through! We are at the part in the book now where she has become a local foot inspector. Her job is to go to local villages and make sure parents unbind their little girls feet. What is feet binding, you may ask? Well, ask Megan! It's where the Chinese would fold little girls' feet over and then wrap them up like that so they grow crooked. They did this because they thought men didn't like "big" feet. The women could only hobble with bound feet. Megan and I looked up pictures of bound feet on the internet and we have really learned a lot about this terrible custom the Chinese used to do.

During this time in this book, the government made a rule that bound feet are illegal. Gladys had to go from village to village to make sure everybody under the age of 10 had unbound feet. By age 12, your feet were stuck that way. :( Gladys was picked because she could actually walk. She was not from China and her feet were not bound. Everyday when I ask Megan what subject she wants to do first, she always said, "Read Gladys!" I'm so glad she is enjoying learning! It is a very interesting book and I would highly recommend it to anyone.

Anyway, sorry about that tangent, but I love to see my girls love learning!

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