Thursday, October 13, 2011

We have our new car!

Last night, we went and picked up our new car.

We pulled the Montana out of the garage for the last time and off we went. We're actually lucky we made it there, the gas gauge was on "E" and it had been all weekend. There was no way we were going to put more gas in it!

Our salesman sat down with us and went over some things with the car, we got pitched on more warranties,(but really, if Hondas are as good as everybody says they are, do we need an extended warranty?), we signed and handed over the title to the Montana, signed lots of paperwork, wrote out a check, moved carseats, figured more buttons out in the car, and headed out because we were already late for church! Oh, and I also took a bunch of pictures, so again, if Matt can show me just ONE MORE TIME how to download pictures, I will post some!

We left there about 6:30 and that is when we were supposed to be at church for AWANA. We drove through Wendy's quick. Since we had just bought a new car, we fed everybody off the dollar menu- everybody ate for $9.54! Not that we ate well, but it was quick. We sat in the parking lot at church and ate and we ended going in about 7. AWANA starts at 6:45!

On the way home last night, we were figuring more things out and they were right, the seats are SUPER comfortable. I think I could've driven around forever! We pulled it into the garage and Matt set my garage door opener for me. He also did a couple other things, but I was busy giving the kids a snack because they didn't have much for supper.

I am on my own today with the new car. Hopefully things will go well!

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