Sunday, October 23, 2011

Sunday Afternoon

It is almost 80 degrees out today and guess what we were doing?? Cleaning!

I had almost no "down time" this week to catch up on housework, so it had to wait until Sunday to get done. Seriously, when Megan said, "I have no clothes to wear!" this morning, she really didn't!

Most of what needed to be done today was that the girls needed to clean their playroom, bedroom, hallway, and bathroom. I don't think I have seen the floor in the two bedrooms in a long time! When the floors get covered, they start playing in the bathroom and hallway, and when that is disaster zone, then it is time to clean. We haven't been able to stay on top of the cleaning every night like we would like to with the girls.

They started about 1:30 and didn't get done til about 5. In the meantime, I tackled the kitchen. :)

We really should've made Courtney's middle name "disaster" because she is the expert! Almost 90% of the mess today was Courtney's, but Megan didn't have very good attitude today when we got started, so she got the privilege of helping Courtney clean it all up.

The most interesting part of the whole afternoon was seeing what Courtney cleaned off her bed. This happens everytime she cleans up her room. I don't really know why she stockpiles things in her bed at night, but she does. It's not just stuffed animals and books like her sister, today I found paint, paintbrushes, box of colors, cut-up paper, library books, her own books, many stuffed animals, dirty clothes, blankets she doesn't even use, toys, etc. I just shake my head and throw it all on the floor for her to put back to it's respective spot!! It amazes me every single time! I usually have to pull her bed away from the wall and their is even more "stuff" that has fallen along the wall!

Finally, we could see the floor in both rooms and I declared that Christian and I were going outside, I couldn't stand being cooped up anymore! Soon, the rest of the family joined me and we met up with a neighbor family outside and talked to them for awhile. Their daughter is one of Megan's good friends from school and they also have a baby girl Christian's age. It was nice to get out and get some fresh air! I think the girls enjoyed playing with their friend too!

Tomorrow Matt is leaving for Des Moines for three days. He will be working out of Des Moines for at least the next six months. Thankfully, he will only be gone a couple days at a time and not even every week and then he will be able to work from home the rest of the time. Poor Courtney, she cries at Matt every night, "Dad, why do you have to go to that other country?? I'm going to have bad dreams while you are gone!" Hopefully all will go well around the Ruwe house while he is gone!

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