Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A Homeschool Sick Day

We are allowed those right? Because today we took one. :)

For starters, I fully intended to teach Megan today. Really, I did. I was going to teach her this morning because I had a dentist appointment this afternoon. It wasn't going to be easy, but I was going to attempt it.

But it didn't work out that way. :(

It was bath day at our house, so all three kids have to get through. Today, I let them take baths and take their time doing it. Christian was done, Courtney was done, and about 10:15 or so, Megan wanted to take a bath, so I said go ahead. She ran the water and played for about 20 minutes. After that, I told her it was time to stand up and take a shower. No big deal, she does this all the time. She can do it all by herself too, so I try to stay upstairs, but I'm not in the bathroom with her usually.

Today she rinsed herself off and hollered at me to help her. I went in and helped her and left again. About a minute later, she called me back and said, "I don't feel good, I feel like I'm going to throw up." This isn't like Megan, so I finished washing her hair, but in the meantime, she also told me she felt weak, was blacking out, and it was hard to stand up. I thought, "Let's finish washing her up quick and get her done." I've had this feeling before, but I've never experienced it with her. She washed herself off and I rinsed her off. She seemed to be doing fine. In the middle of this, she did squat down in the tub like it was hard to stand up, but she stood back up again, so I wasn't TOO concerned.

After I rinsed her off, I put the towel around her and helped her step out of the tub. This is when the trouble started. She stopped talking and started staring off into space. I said, "Megan, Megan! Stay with me!" Next thing I know, her knees buckle and I end up laying her on the floor. I start snapping my fingers in front of her eyes, "Megan, stay with me, stay with me!! " Her eyes were wide open, but I am getting no response. I also noticed that her face was getting very red and splotchy and she was getting very warm. She had passed out!

I leave her on the floor in a very awkward position, a towel under her, and I run to get the phone. I didn't know who I was going to call, my first thought was 911. I ran into my bedroom to get my phone, my heart is now in my throat and I am very panicked! I try to call Matt on my way back to the bathroom, but of course, I was shaking so bad, I couldn't even figure out how to use my phone (the same thing happened when Megan broke her arm and I tried to call 911 that night).

I get back to the bathroom and her eyes are awake. I said her name and she responded like nothing happened! She was smiley and back to her normal self. I called Matt and he didn't answer. I figured that I would not need to call 911 now that she was awake. Matt did not answer, but almost immediately I got a text back saying he was in a meeting. I wrote back with shaking hands, "Megan passed out, call me!!!" About a minute later, my phone rang and it was Matt. We both decided that she was probably fine, but I still needed to call the doctor.

She is still on the floor at this time with her towel. Courtney, who loves to do things for others said, "Can I go get you some clothes?" and ran off to get Megan something to put on. She brought back some pajamas and Megan got dressed. Both of us helped Megan downstairs to the couch. She was a little shaky on her feet yet, but she was with it! I called the doctor and they wanted me to bring her in. I also called both grandmas and told them what was going on.

I turned a movie on and just made her sit there and watch it. I was asking her constantly, "Are you ok? How do you feel?" Courtney wanted to get Megan something to drink (because that is what we do when we are sick). She had pulled a chair over to the pantry and was trying to reach the pop. I remember her saying, "Mom, I know she can have gatorade, but I can't reach it. How about a 7up? I can reach that. " I told her she didn't have a stomach ache and that gatorade would probably be better, so I helped her get some down for Megan. But of course, Courtney had to have some too.

After lunch, I took her to the doctor and she had a fancy name for what happened. The main reason is that while she was laying/ sitting in the bathtub, all her blood had gone to her extremeties. She must have stood up too fast and therefore, the blood didn't get to her head like it should've through her blood vessels. This is what made her pass out. The doctor says she sees this is alot in this age group and adolescents, it's a lot with how they are growing. The doctor said that we should increase her fluid intake because that would help with her blood vessels. She also told Megan that if she ever gets that feeling again, that she needs to sit down immediately. Megan said she's gotten that feeling before, but never passed out like this. (Honestly, I think if I would've sat her down right in the tub instead of washing and rinsing her off, she probably would not have fainted.)

She did great all afternoon. I was gone for about 2 1/2 hours, so she got to play with grandma. My hopes of doing school this morning was gone and so was this afternoon. We did a little bit tonight, but not everything. I guess this is the nice part of homeschooling- we do it when we can. My theory is that as long as everything for this week is done by Sunday night, we are doing good! I'm so glad this is nothing serious, but still very scary.

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