Monday, October 4, 2010

Pet Peeve of Mine

Since it was so nice out today, I decided that we were going to walk over to school to pick up Megan. Courtney could ride her bike and Christian could hang out in the stroller while I pushed him. We could play on the playground a little bit and then we could all walk home. It sounded like a great plan.

I knew somewhere in there though, I would need to feed Christian. I really didn't worry about it though, I feed this kid about anywhere these days. I just cover up (and try to find a corner where I can hide.)

We made it over there in one piece and got Megan. She was excited that we came and got her and that we were going to walk home. I let the girls play for awhile, we had our snack that I brought, and then I decided that we all should use the bathroom before the mile walk home.

I took all three kids into the school and went into the office. There were three ladies standing at the desk (the secretary was already gone, so I don't really know who these three ladies were). I asked them if it would be ok if I used the restroom before we headed home. They said sure, so I took the girls in. (The restroom is in the health office, which is right off of the office.)

Everybody used the facilities and then Christian started fussing, I figured it was time to eat and the health office would be the best place to feed him, so I stuck my head out and asked the three ladies again if they minded if I sat in the health office and fed him. They all looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders. Don't you hear my screaming baby??

All I wanted was,"Sure, go ahead." But no, one lady said to me, "Well, if that would get your baby quiet, then go ahead." Excuse me?? Have these ladies never had kids? I couldn't believe it. They then proceeded to tell me to make sure I shut the door because there are other staff members around.

Yes, I know school was out and the secretary was gone and I probably shouldn't have been in the school in the first place, but seriously!

I went back into the health office with my screaming baby and tried to feed him, but he wanted nothing to do with eating. Out of frustration from the whole thing, I got up (he screamed even louder) and left. Luckily, all of the women were gone.

Poor Christian screamed all the way out the school, past the playground, and halfway home on the trail. We all stopped after we got under Dodge Street to see if he would eat and again, he just turned the other way. We kept going and he kept screaming. Even other people on the trail were making comments, I know he's screaming! I can hear him too!

Eventually after about 20-30 minutes of crying, he gave up and fell asleep on my shoulder. I put him in the stroller and we headed home. AHHHH!! My nerves were fried when we got home. I was making Megan push the stroller when I had Christian and she was complaining about it and Courtney wasn't listening very good as we were coming up the street to our house either, our little adventure wasn't turning out so well!

When we got home, I picked Christian up very carefully and put him in his swing. He was in there a little bit before he got upset, but when I tried to feed him, he ate and calmed down.

Anyway, my pet peeve in all of this is those people who can clearly see a crying baby and say no when you ask them to use thier place to nurse. This happened to me at Penney's once too and it really irritates me!!!

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