Wednesday, August 31, 2016


I received a phone call today from Micah's doctor. They had the results of his allergy tests.

We tested five things last week and the results were very interesting.

Strawberries- reaction was very low. I can eat these all I want. :)  

Rice- reaction was very low. Again, I can eat them and not worry.

Bananas- reaction was HIGH. DO NOT EAT!! Surprisingly, this is what caused the hives last week!

Soy- reaction was moderately high. The doctor recommended that I keep avoiding soy.

Dogs- reaction was very high. Higher than any of the foods! They told me to be very careful around dogs and if he breaks out in hives or has trouble beathing, I should get him to the hospital right away!

This totally explains why we ran to the hospital last week. I had just been getting back on bananas myself and had started to feed them to Micah. On Tuesday, I had fed him some as a snack and then we had them in smoothies on Wednesday. I usually don't eat the same food two days in a row, but I did that day!  In a way, I am sort of glad he broke out so bad, so now I can figure this out!

Even though we have these results, it still doesn't explain why he's been so bad these last couple of days. He was on Claritin until Sunday and I haven't given him any since. He is a complete wreck!! His cheeks are all flared up again and he has his eczema back under his chin and behind his knees. He has been having screaming fits and kicking and flaring his legs. It's like it came back worse than before!!

I will definitely be giving him some more Claritin tomorrow. I also want to do a full allergy panel now and see if anything else is going on. I personally think there is more to the whole story than just bananas and dogs! The doctor said we could do a full panel when he is a year old. I guess we can continue to treat the symptoms until then.

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