Sunday, August 7, 2016

Sick mama!

Do you know what happens when you are up with your 8 month old TWO nights in a row for 2-3 hours each night? (Wednesday night, we were up from 2:30-5:15 am and Thursday night, we were up from 1:30-3:45) AND mama gets NO nap during the day to catch up on sleep unlike the baby?
And then gets up early Saturday morning to go to a conference in town all day?

Mama gets sick. :( 

I had been battling a sore throat for awhile, but when I don't get any sleep and get run down, it just culminates! Last night after I got home from the conference and from the car dealership (Matt bought a new car!), I could barely talk and my throat hurt so bad! I knew I needed sleep, so I took some Advil, put the kids to bed, and went to bed myself.

Thankfully Micah slept again all night, but we had to wake up early again this morning because we were supposed to serve in the church nursery at 9 am.  I had no energy! My throat hurt so bad again that it still hurt to talk. I could feel it into my ears and up my neck.

I decided to stay home from church. I didn't even have enough energy to take a shower. I told Matt that I usually feel better by about 10 am and if we didn't have nursery, I probably could have gone. (And now it is 10:15 am and I do feel a lot better!) I also didn't want to infect all the kids that I would be taking care of at church.

I am home with Micah and trying to rest. I know that is what my poor body needs.

I know I am getting run down on a few fronts. We are in a couple weeks of transition here at our house, so I have more stress going on than just not getting enough sleep at night. Our gym classes finished last week and I let our gym membership expire, so now we are in school mode. I have almost all the books I need to teach three children next year, but I have to admit, it is kind of stressful thinking about going back to school full time in a week or two. I haven't done full time school since before Micah was born, but we need to get back to it. My mind is in so many different directions with all the curriculum, notebooks, children, etc. I almost feel like I am starting my homeschooling journey all over again! We are switching curriculums too, so I need to pre-read all the books and figure out how everything is going to work for the school year.

But before we start school, we need to finish last year's curriculum. Yes, we are still plowing through 4th and 6th grade Math and 3rd and 6th grade English. We have been working lately on these and I am trying to figure out if I can skip anything just to be done! I think we are going to skim the last five lessons or so in math since they are all review and be done there, but I really think we need to do the English lessons. We have about twelve left for Megan and about 8 for Courtney. I may go ahead and start history and science while we are still finishing these books up. I want to start a little bit at a time and add a subject every couple days or so until we are doing all our subjects in one day. When we are done with math and English, we will just start the next grade the next day. This is what we get for taking a two month break in November and December!! It was definitely be a juggling act for me this fall. And we can't forget about Micah in there and his needs!!!

I would also LOVE it if Matt could get the basement finished before we started school. Megan and Courtney are going to be doing more things independently this year, and they need space to work away from the kitchen. I was hoping we could get some desks set up down there for all the kids.  All we need to do down there is finish putting up the woodwork and put some flooring down. That is it! Matt worked on it last weekend, but it doesn't look like he will have time this weekend or next.  This has been a project over six years in the making! Can we just finish it??? (hint, hint Matt!!)

Courtney's birthday is also next weekend and we have two small parties planned for her. We also have another birthday party and a bridal shower next weekend. YIKES!  Lots to do!!

Ok, back to the couch I go to keep resting and drinking water. :)

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