Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Comparison trap!

I have a neighbor who has a girl the same age as Megan, and they are both entering 7th grade. I have learned to stop talking to this neighbor about homeschooling, especially math. If it does come up, it usually turns into a "my daughter is further ahead of your daughter and if you don't put your daughter back into public school, your daughter will just get further behind and she won't be able to get into college."

A couple of months ago, we got on the subject of math and I walked away double guessing our decision on a math curriculum. Her daughter, in 6th grade, did pre-algebra and now for 7th grade, she will be doing Algebra I.  Megan will be going into "6th grade Math." I even came home that day and looked to see what you learn in pre-algebra and looked to see what Megan was learning in 6th grade math. It was almost identical. My conclucions was that even thought my book wasn't titled "Pre-algebra", we were still covering it. That made me feel better.

Today I was talking to this mom today and I purposefully did not bring up school. Her daughter mentioned that she was going into Algebra I and it kind of hit a nerve again, but I refuse to get into that comparion trap.

Both of us are striving for a good education for our children and what we are using works for us! Maybe Megan can do Alegebra I in 7th grade, but why? Why do I need to push her way ahead? I would rather take our time and cover all the other itmes that she is probably missing in Algebra I, like balancing a checkbook, interest, percentages, etc. 

Don't we all have the same goal with our children? To foster the love of learning and to provide them with a good education??

Don't even get me started on what she thinks about the fact that my kids don't play a musical instrument!!!

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