Friday, September 26, 2014

A Little Culture!

This last week, I had the opportunity to talk to Megan a little bit about science fiction through her language arts assignment.  Her job was to write a dialogue and it was supposed to incorporate science fiction.  I began to list some movies or TV shows that she could maybe relate to, I came up with the normal "Star Trek," "Star Wars," but then I mentioned "Back to the Future." I know it's probably not true science fiction, but a little bit in my opinion.

Last night, it was just Megan, Christian, and I and I thought it would be fun to watch a movie together. I asked Megan if she had any thoughts and you know what she said, "Let's watch 'Back to the Future!'" I told her to go get it (we have it on DVD) and we put it in.  Now, in my defense, I saw that it was PG, but I didn't know there were so many cuss words and some parts that were kind of on the line with my 10 year old! I fast forwarded through a couple of places, but even with skipping a few parts, she still loved the movie!  It was fun watching her trying to figure it all out! Even I was catching a few things that I don't remember!

We watched half of it last night and finished the rest tonight after we watched "The Amazing Race."  Now I want to watch the sequel!!

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