Saturday, March 9, 2013

The very crowded zoo!

Note to self:

Do not...

1. Go to the zoo on the very first nice day after a very long winter.
2. Go to the zoo when a major school district is out!!

I exited the interstate yesterday on the way to the zoo and I saw cars parked along 13th street by where Rosenblatt Stadium stood. I then assumed that these people were going to the zoo, I could hardly believe it- I have never seen cars parked out there!

After searching for a parking spot for awhile, I eventually found one (not way out by 13th street though) and headed into the zoo. Talk about a zoo!!! It was crazy! When we checked in, the cashier said they were up to 3,000 people already!

We bought some IMAX tickets and headed over the desert dome. Again, there were always people around and we always seemed to be in the way of someone with the wagon.  We then headed to the cat complex to see the new baby lion cubs, Megan got a first row advantage point, but I was too busy trying to keep track of Christian. He kept sneaking out of the wagon and wondering off! Luckily he never wondered too far, but it was concerning because there were so many people there.

Our next stop was the aquarium, but here, Christian was not the problem, but Courtney and her friend! These two are really "two peas in a pond" and are hilarious together. They would get into their own little world and not keep up with the moms.  I had to take ten steps back multiple times to tell them to come along!

After watching an IMAX at four, we got to sit down in a very full theatre and enjoy a dinosaur movie. 

After that, it seemed like the zoo emptied out! Yes, just like I like it! Our friends left and we headed down to see the giraffes.  Courtney and I have had this discussion lately about whether giraffes are yellow our orange, so we wanted to see who was right. Neither one of us was right, they were white! (I think because they were articulated giraffes.)

We stopped for supper at King Kong and then headed over the Rose Theatre to watch "George and Martha." What a great show!

Now is is Saturday and we get to be lazy!!!

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