Thursday, September 13, 2012

Yesterday went well!

Wednesdays are going to be our eventful days at our house.  We actually won't stay at home all day and have school! We have things to do!

Yesterday the girls started their class at the homeschool learning center and AWANA last night.

We got up yesterday and only got Bible class done before we had to leave for the learning center. Their class is at 11 am and they moved the learning center, so it is a lot closer to us now! (They meet at a church, so they just moved churches).  The girls decided to take "O Pioneers" which is a very hands-on class about pioneers time. (And yes, if I could, I would totally take it too!).  Courtney was very apprehensive going yesterday.  Megan had two of her good friends also sign up to take it with her, so Courtney was sad because she didn't have any friends in the class (and sometimes when Megan's friends are around, she tends to leave Courtney out.)  But I reassured her that Megan would take care of her in class. The class is for 6-10 years old, so they were together.

I took them to their room and met the teacher.  Courtney was still a little upset and I told her I would stay for a little bit. Well, I was in the way with all the other students coming in, so stepped into the hallway with intentions to go back in, but when I looked in, she was fine, so I let her be.  I went in the "Mom's room" for the hour and talked to another mom and watched Christian.  The girls had a blast.  They learned about covered wagons, read a book, and went outside where the teacher had pioneer supplies in her car.  They drew a square the size of a covered wagon on the sidewalk and had to figure out if they were able to fit all their supplies in the wagon or not. Creative!  The teacher was also dressed up in a pioneer dress.  Courtney was also worried that she would have to write, but they didn't do that at all.

AWANA also went great last night.  Like someone said, it was almost like a first day of school!  Courtney was not hesitant at all because Matt is her small group leader. Both of them moved up to sparks and Megan and I moved up to T & T. Courtney's only worry again was that she wasn't going to have any friends in her group.  Well, it turns out that her best friend from church is in her group! Plus a couple of other of her friends from last year! I think that made her pretty happy!  She seemed to do well last night.

T & T also went well for Megan. I am a small group leader, but not of Megan's group. I don't want to teach her the verses and then have her say them right back to me plus I need a little break from my own children. :)  She ended up having a leader that is a good friend of ours, so that is pretty neat!  I am the leader of five 4th graders who I have never met before! I guess we'll get to know them.  T & T has the same structure as Sparks (handbook time, game time, council time), but they do it in a different order and do things a little bit more different. They also split the girls and boys up.  I noticed that the kids were more respectful of the teachers and when they were asked to be quiet, they were quiet. Amazing! It didn't seem as crazy as Sparks, but that might've been because I was with just the girls.  They also do the flag salute during game time instead of during council time, which was different.  They had some quick challenge games during council time, so they raced to see who could fine certain bible verses the fastest. Megan was one page away when another girls stood up.She was so close!  T & T just seemed a little bit more organized and you could definitely tell the kids were older and you could also tell there were more expectations put upon them.  It was nice!

Today we start dance, so we need to get school done! Sometime I have to get groceries again, seems like there's nothing to eat again! Oh laundry too, is somebody out of clean underwear again??

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