Sunday, September 9, 2012

Much Achieved!

We got a lot achieved on Saturday.

1. Camper is cleaned out. Scrubbed down and vaccummed! It is ready to be put back into storage for two weeks.

2. I can see the playroom floor! Wow! With some help from the kids, that got achieved. The hallway is not done yet, but that is definitely a great start.

Megan cleaned her side of her bedroom, but Courtney's side and the bathroom are still disasters. (Should we make Megan clean messes that are not hers?? Poor Courtney, if she didn't make such a mess in the first place, it wouldn't take so much time to clean up!)

3.  Dishes are done and the kitchen island is still a mess.

4. Laundry is taken to the laundry room, but not started yet.

Along with all this, I found somebody to work the nursery on the 23rd, so our family can go on another weekend vacation to Nebraska City.

I also went to the eye doctor to see why my left contact is so uncomfortable to wear. I have had allergies really bad this week and that seems to be the culprit. They tried to sell me daily contacts, which were about $600 for a whole year! Forget that!! The doctor thought they would provide my eyes more moisture and be more comfortable. They are, but only during allergy season! I think I will take some benadryl, thank you!

Matt also made a couple trips to Menards and a trip to Scheel's to purchase some zero gravity lawn chairs that were on clearance.

Don't forget we watched the Husker game last night. Matt went to bed right before the safety and final touchdown. Too bad. Better luck next time!

Another busy day today. Working the nursery at church (thanks to the person who I traded with yesterday), church, lunch, take camper back to Fremont and let Christian have his first combine ride with my dad and Uncle Shawn (this is all I heard yesterday "Uncle Shawn's house" or "combine, uncle Shawn"), and then our neighborhood picnic in the evening.

We also have some school to finish up from last week before we start tomorrow.  We start our class at the Homeschool Learning Center this week, we start AWANA on Wednesday night, and Megan has dance on Thursday. Let's get back into the swing of things!