Monday, December 6, 2010

#8 is gone, literally

#8 as in tooth #8.

Last night before Megan went to bed, she had a very wiggly tooth. I didn't think it was so loose, so I didn't make an issue about her getting it out before she went to bed.

I should've.

When she woke up this morning, she looked at me with a very worried look and said, "Mom, my tooth is gone," and pointed to a whole in her mouth.

I asked her, "Where did it go?" She responded with tears in her eyes, "I don't know."

"Did you swallow it?" Upon that statement, she grabbed her throat and made a choking sound! I said, "Megan, are you breathing?" She said yes and then I said, "Well, then you didn't choke on it!" I think she was a little relieved.

We looked through her bed, but unfortunately, I'm pretty sure she swallowed it. I told her I would take her sheets off today and clean out her bed (needs to be done anyway) and look harder, but she sleeps on her back, so I think it went straight down!

She told me that she's just going to have to write the tooth fairy and tell her what happened! Good plan Megan!

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