Friday, June 30, 2017

A Little Celebration!!

Tonight we had a little celebration in honor of a few things around the Ruwe house.

1.  Matt is done with his contract at his current client. He had been there for about 2 1/2 years and was not having such a positive experience the last six months or so.  He was counting down until today!! He is now off for the next 6 weeks. Nice!!

2.  The girls are FINALLY done with school. Courtney took her final today in math and Megan took her final in English. Courtney scored a 97%, which isn't bad for 5th grade math! I haven't graded Megan's English test yet. It was 8 pages long! I let her do it open-book because it is summer, and I want to be done just as much as they do!

3. Matt must have mentioned to Courtney today that it is his 20th anniversary of working in the technology field. Matt started his first "real" job on June 20th, 1997! This was the summer when he moved to Omaha from Kansas City. We were dating at the time, so I remember it well.

In honor of all this, we  made our usual celebration dinner tonight, which consisted of ham balls, cheesy potatoes, and sparkling grape juice. We had to change a few things up because I messed up. I left a few bags at the store this afternoon. I paid for them, but they did not make it home. UGH!! Matt ended up going back to the store after I had all the groceries put away, and seeing if I left them there. Unfortunately, nobody had turned my items in, so he had to go back through the entire store and get everything again. In the meantime though, I had to revamp my plans to get dinner going! In the end, it all turned out well, and we all had food to eat!

The girls and I wanted to buy him a lemon meringue pie because that is his favorite, but we figured he would eat a piece or two, and then it would sit in the fridge all week. Our plan b was to use some gift cards and to go out for ice cream at Dairy Queen.  Well, plan b didn't work either becase we didn't get done with dinner until around 8. Plan c was to eat some ice cream we bought earlier. Perfect!!

Now that school and work are over, we are working full force on getting ready for our trip! Here we go!

(One of my goals for today was to reserve our campsites for some of the time that we are in Canada. I got five nights reserved today. For our campground near Ottawa, I actually had to call them, and make our reservations. That was quite fun; I need to learn some French!!)

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