Sunday, December 7, 2014

Weekend is gone already?

Wow! I think this is the first time all weekend I have sat down and have had a thought to myself! It was a busy weekend!  It is almost 10 pm and I am still planning for school this week.

Yesterday I did get to sleep in and get a few things done around the house, but once lunch was over, Megan and I went shopping! I had to get her a few things and we also ended up buying a Christmas present for Courtney and a few others on our list.  Our most exciting part was at Kohl's.  I have NEVER seen that place so busy, the line to check out was halfway to the back of the store! Luckily, it only took us 15 minutes to check out, but you could tell by people's faces that many of them were not too happy!

After shopping, we had a birthday party at a friend's house in north Omaha.  Since I have had to restrict Courtney even more on her milk, gluten, and eggs, Matt swung by Pepperjax on the way there to get Courtney and I something to eat.  The host was serving pizza and unfortunately, neither of us could eat it last night.  We got home about 9:30 from this party.

This morning, we had a change of plans from our usual Sunday ritual.  It was the only time my family could get together to do "cousin pictures," so we met at Portrait Innovations at 10 am and got that done.  The kids were super cute and did such a good job! It helps that they are older and that they have done this a few times!  After spending two hours at the picture place, we all had lunch together. It's always nice to spend some time with my family. :)

Once this was all over, we headed over to Best Buy. Matt had been thinking for awhile about getting a new computer for the kitchen.  We had a laptop there and it worked fine, kind of.  The sound didn't work and it was too small to teach all the kids from at once.  Matt also thought it was too slow, but I think it was fine.  We ended up buying an HP all-in-one for that area.  Matt says its the family Christmas present, which is fine with me!

With the new computer in tow, we headed home.  We were expecting some friends about 2:30.  This was the same family that held the birthday party the night before! They were coming over for the afternoon because there was a church meeting in the evening and they didn't want to drive back to the home in north Omaha and then back to church.  They have girls that are my girls' age and a seven year old boy, so it is almost a perfect match! They are in our small group and also homeschool. 

They were going to head out at 5:30 to go to the meeting, but since they didn't have childcare lined up, the mom and kids stayed at my house and Matt and her husband went to the meeting. It worked out great! We made chili, played legos, and perler beads.  The girls have also been working on a newspaper, so they had some time to finish their latest edition!

They left about 8:15 and I am exhausted! We got kids to bed and now it's finally time to pull the school books out and try to plan for this week.  We only have two more weeks until Christmas break and honestly, I am kind of excited for a break! But of course, life will only get busier in other ways!

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