Monday, December 29, 2014

Switching Bedrooms!

Now that Christmas is over, I can relax this week! HA!

Actually today did fell very relaxing. I am really enjoying this time off from teaching!

The girls have been talking awhile about getting their rooms back and today they informed me that they  really do want their bedrooms back. Our breakfast conversation was how we could make this happen.  When Megan was in kindergarten (in 2009), we made Courtney's bedroom into the playroom and put the girls together in Megan's room.  Here we are, five years later, and they want their rooms back.

The problem is that in order to switch, we would need to clean out the playroom! We would need to get rid of quite a few older toys and pack some things away.  I am ok with this.  The girls are past the dress up/ barbies/ polly pockets/ kitchen stage and there really is no need to have this stuff out anymore.  I would also need to move the bookshelves out of the playroom, which involves taking all the books off of them! Courtney and Megan both have little tables in there, but Megan is way too big for hers, so I would need to figure out something to do with it. Courtney still uses her table all the time, so that would stay put. There are many other items we would need to move, get rid of, sell, or just pack away.

After the playroom is cleaned out, we would need to start moving Courtney's furniture back to her room. Courtney's furniture consists of her bed, two dressers, and a fish tank. It is quite a lot for her little bedroom.  Megan's bed would stay in her bedroom and her dresser would need to get moved from the playroom back to her bedroom. (Did anybody notice here that it would be a LOT easier to keep Courtney's furniture in Megan's bedroom and just move Megan's bed to the playroom? I think it would be fun to switch rooms, but they aren't having any of it!)

I also thought that while the rooms were completely torn apart, we should paint them!! They are still white from when we moved in 6 years ago! I called our neighbor today who paints and asked her if she could give us an estimate. (I also want my bedroom painted, so that is going to come first!) She said she could come over tomorrow and do it for us.  When I approached Matt with the idea of painting the bedrooms when he got home, he said he wouldn't mind doing them! WHAT?? He has been against painting anything in our house for a long time and now he's willing to paint a bedroom??  He is not willing to paint the master bedroom though!

I don't quite know when the girls want to start on this big project.  We are taking this week off of school yet.  All day today, I said, "If you girls want to get your rooms back, then you need to start cleaning up." They didn't clean up at all today!

Honestly, I would like to get this room business done before I put Christmas presents away! But I don't know how long I can stand them being in my kitchen!!

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