Saturday, December 20, 2014

Goal for the next 2 weeks...

My goal for the next two week is to DECLUTTER my house!!! I started this project about a month ago when I attacked the attic.  I took pretty much everything out, went through it all, and repacked it back into the attic.  Except that not everything went back in the attic! I found really nice towels that I have never used. I also found very nice blankets that CAN be used! I found clothes that I hope will never fit into again, these are clothes I wore while I was teaching and was 30-40 pounds heavier.

During this project, I decided what items I wanted to donate to the Open Door Mission here in town and what I wanted to keep. Honestly, I decided that if I haven't used them in about 15 years or can't fit into them anymore, they were leaving my house! I bagged all these items up and Matt took them to the Open Door Mission this morning.

I also went through mine and my children's bathroom cupboards a couple of weeks ago.  Since we don't eat anything with artificial colors, I decided that we aren't going to use anything with artificial colors in our products anymore either.  I had two boxes full of products! I personally do not like Bath and Body Works items, so those all got donated.  The children also had shampoo and soap that was bright red, obviously filled with red dye. We both had lotion and other products that we will never use---good bye to it all!

Lastly, I went through my kitchen cupboard. I don't know why I have items with yeast, artificial sugars, or food dyes in them, but those also got donated to the Open Door Mission.  I am not going to eat them and honestly, my children shouldn't be either. 

Now, the next step! Continue to declutter!

When I cleaned out the attic, I have items that I don't quite know what to do with.  For instance, I have 5-7 really nice sweaters that I wore when I taught middle school.  Should I sell them or donate them? They are a size too big, so I don't fit into them anymore.  I also have really nice skirts and dress pants, sell or donate??  These are in a pile on my bedroom floor at the moment.

I need to continue to find a place for our blankets and the children's blankets. They have so many, but many are handmade, so they are worth keeping.  Do I find a place for them in their rooms or pack them nicely in the attic?

After I get our items back where they belong, I want to get my office/ school area organized. It is a chaotic mess right now!

Have you heard the saying that stuff causes stress? That is how I feel right now!!

I have been looking forward to Christmas break just to achieve this project. Honestly, after I find my room/ office space again, I would LOVE to paint it, get new curtains, put pictures up, and look like a real bedroom. :)

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