Monday, December 8, 2014

Dentist visits today!

Today I took the three kids to the dentist. It had been six months and we were due to go.  I wasn't too pleased that the appointment was at 11 am, which is right in the middle of school, but we made it work.  We did 1 1/2 hours of school work and then headed out. We got some school work done this afternoon, but not as much as I would have liked.

Once we got to the dentist, each of us got called back one by one.  Courtney and Megan had chairs right beside each other and Christian and I were beside each other.  This was Christian's 2nd time at the dentist and he did great last time, so I assumed he would do great again.

I was wrong!! He did not do well at all!!! As I was getting my teeth cleaned, I could hear the lady kind of struggling with him to keep his mouth open and get his teeth cleaned.  I asked my hygienist if she was having a hard time with him and she said, "Yes, but nothing she can't handle." The hygienists at our dentist are great with kids, so I stayed out of it.

When I was done, she was still trying to get in to clean his teeth and I looked over there and met eyes with him. I was not happy! I think he knew it too! Instead of threatening him to behave, I bribed him! I told him we would go to Target and get a new little matchbox car if he let her clean his teeth.  He didn't go for it.

I ended up going over there and she explained that he had tarter build up around his gum lines on his bottom front teeth and she needed to get it cleaned off. He also had it behind his teeth.  I asked her if it was anywhere else and she didn't know.  He wouldn't let her look anywhere else.

In the end, she wanted me to stop pushing him, she said they want coming to the dentist a positive experience, so they don't push kids. I was more mad that he wasn't listening to her! He did so great last time!

In the end, I rescheduled it for next week with the dentist.  I think half of his problem was that we didn't prep him very well for the appointment, I just assumed he would do well. I was wrong. We have to work on this before next week.

In the end, the girl and I have NO cavities and we all look great! My dentist didn't even push Invisalign like he has in the past.  He has probably assumed that I cannot make up my mind on what to do, so I am doing nothing.  I did tell him that I went and saw an oral surgeon and that he suggested surgery. His reply was, "Of course he did, he's a surgeon!"

I think it is funny that the kids and I have ZERO cavities and we are the ones that don't eat the sugar and sweets and Matt had TWO cavities when he went a couple of weeks ago!!! Guess what he eats all the time?? Sugar, sweets, cereal, candy, etc.  hmmmm.....

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