Sunday, October 5, 2014

You know you are behind laundry when...

Laundry has not been my friend this past week. Neither have many other things!

The laundry basket in the kids' bathroom was so full that the kids started calling it a "mountain." Let's just say that mountain was about up to the window!!

My laundry basket was overflowing and there was just miscellaneous piles of dirty clothes all over the house.

I got two loads through yesterday, but not enough to even put a dent in the pile!

Last night we got home from the football game about 11 pm from a friends house and I asked Megan, "Do you have any clean underwear for tomorrow?" I know this might be an issue because she couldn't find any clean ones Saturday morning! She replied with, "no." At 11:15 pm last night, I threw a big load of dirty underwear, socks, and t-shirts into the washer so they could be ready to dry right away this morning.

But what happened this morning? I forgot to put them in the dryer! I remembered them when Megan was heading upstairs to get dressed and we had 25 minutes until we had to leave!

I told Megan to wait about 20 minutes and to see if they would dry, but by that time, they were still pretty wet. I told her she just couldn't change underwear and she would just have to wear the same ones again (I know, gross, right?)

Her reply, "But mom, I have already worn this pair for two days!"

You know you are behind in laundry when your child has already worn the same pair of underwear for two days and you are asking her to wear them a third!!!

(The clothes should be dry now that we are home from church and she can change, but it just shows how behind I am in laundry!!!)

My goal today: conquer the mountain!!

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