Monday, October 27, 2014

Pickup Basketball Game!

Everyday about 4 pm, I try to chase the kids outside. We are usually done with our schoolwork (except for homework) and the public school kids are usually home about at that time, so it's a great time to get outside for some fresh air.

We were out there today and saw a neighbor mom bring home a bunch of the neighborhood kids. We were outside playing basketball and her daughter decided to come play with us awhile, it was great  because we were able to play a true basketball game! We had two fifth graders, Courtney, and myself.  It was nice because we had two on each team. Today we were only able to play until somebody got five points, but really, it's 1. exercise 2. teamwork and 3. getting some fresh air! What else do we want??

Now to get the kids to finish their homework!

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