Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Summer almost over?

I can't believe it is the middle of July and things are winding down for the summer!

We are going to be finishing our school work on Friday! I don't know who is more or the kids! Megan and Courtney each have a lesson of math left and Megan has a final math test.  After 170 lessons, we are finally (almost) done!  Courtney took her final phonics test today, so that is done.  We are getting soooo close!

After school is done, we are going to take next week completely off!! No school, no reading about World War I, nothing.  Honestly, I think the kids are going to be bored, but I need some time off!!

The following week, we are going camping and enjoying the county fair back home.  It's one of my favorite yearly things to do. :)

Then the following week, I think we are going to start school back up again! I know I really shouldn't, but I don't want to go this far into the summer next year!  We are looking at taking a 2-4 week trip in September again, so I want to get a head start this year!

Speaking of school, I ordered the last book that I need for next year- Megan's student textbook for math. I already have the teacher's manual that I needed, so I just needed the student text.  I ordered it from a place on Amazon and guess what came today?? The teacher's manual!! I couldn't believe it. Now, I have to go back AGAIN and order the book for the second time! UGH!! And of course, put this is in my pile of books to sell on eBay someday!

I also decided that we are going to do the next core of Sonlight Curriculum when we get done with Core E around Christmastime.  We are going to do Core F, which is all about the Eastern Hemisphere. It is a cultural study on many, many countries in that part of the world and it looks fascinating!! It is a part of the world I do NOT know much about!  I ordered this last week also and received my 55 new books on Monday! Fun, fun!

I have to figure out science yet for next year yet. We aren't going to finish what we are doing until Christmastime, so I have a little bit of time to think about it. But just like my Sonlight curriculum, I should figure it out now and buy it on eBay while there are many for sale!

For our social aspect this year, the girls are signed up for three classes at the Homeschool Learning Center, which starts in September.  Courtney is going to take engineering for 6-10 year olds and a science class, which is completely about bugs.  Megan is going to take a writing class, which should be interesting because 1. it is taught by the person who runs the learning center and 2. it is for ages 9-18.  She has also decided not to take dance this year, so we need find some physical activity for these girls to get involved in over the school year.  I have some ideas, but nothing set in stone yet!

Along with getting ready for school in August, I decided to quit the gym I became a member at this summer. I gave my 30 day notice today.  It has worked out great this summer and we had 5 sessions of free swimming lessons (extra bonus!), but it is time to put an end to swimming and get back (somewhat) to the books.  I have enough going on during the school year that I don't want a gym membership at the same time.  I know I won't use it enough to justify the cost!!

I can't believe summer is almost over!!

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