Monday, April 29, 2013

Summer Clothes

It's that time of year again. Time when it gets a little warmer and all the sudden my children have "nothing to wear!"

I thought I would solve the problem before it even started, so I went into the attic today and pulled out the containers of their summer clothes.  Matt put an attic door from our bedroom into the attic about a year ago, so it is super easy to get these containers out now!

Three boxes for the girls- Sizes 8-10, 7, and 6

One box for the boy- "clothes to grow into"  I will also need to dig out the 24 month/ 2T box to put all his  winter clothes away.

Do you knowwhat half the fun is when I get these containers out? Going through the clothes and trying everything on again!

My girls definitely went through their clothes, they didn't try so much on, but my room has turned into a disaster zone!

I have rubbermaid containers everywhere, clothes strewn across my bed, etc.  Add this to four baskets of clean laundry that need to be put away plus all the other "stuff" on my floor.

I really wish I had time to deal with the mess. Seriously, I don't think we can see my bedroom floor tonight and I have a lot of floor space!

I know this mess will not wait four weeks until school is out, but it will have to wait until the weekend.

(wait, we're busy all weekend again! Yikes!)

Cleaning fairy anyone??

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