Sunday, April 14, 2013

Poor Dell :(

It's not looking good for Dell...

In addition to her cantaloupe size fat-tumor under her left shoulder and her golf ball size blood-tumor on her chest, she has now developed a lump on her throat. We have actually been fighting this for a couple of years, but lately, it has grown and grown fast. In the past, the vet has always thought it was connected to a drain line from somewhere else in her body. Now it is about the size of a ping pong ball.

She has stopped eating (but still drinking), she has been throwing up at least every other day and now she is throwing up every night, she is losing weight, she is getting more lethargic, her eyes are getting really goopy and she's squinting. She is just not being herself.

It's kind of sad for us all. :(

1 comment:

  1. Me too!! So many great memories with good old Dell! Grandma Lu
